Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Shutter Speed

In this picture it captures the motion of the horse trotting. I really how this picture was caught in the middle of the step of the horse. It caught the action very nicely. 


Scavenger Hunt

This was taken at the edge of the woods where there was a lot of light coming through the trees. The scales of grays really looks nice in this picture. 



This was the first experience that I had in the dark room. I like the arrangement of the items. The feather creates a really cool effect onto the paper. 

Leading Lines

This picture if taken of the side of the trampoline. This is my favorite picture because it really leads your eye in the direction of the trampoline. 


This picture is taken through a gate in a bar. It is framing a farming equipment item. The gate frames the appliance very well. There are a nice choice of grays throughout the whole picture. It has a nice scale of grays. 

Depth of Field

This picture is taken in my kitchen. It is my dog laying on the floor. I like this one because of the contrast between the blacks and grays. It really shows the lights and darks really nicely in this picture. In the bottom right corner it shows the light shining on the picture and then it goes to a darker area, which is my dog. 


This is a picture of architecture. I really like this one because of the perspective that this photo is taken. It is at a neat angle. It is a picture of the bottom of a barn showing boards that are loose on the side of the barn.